Its The old landline if you use it you can get one to ten mbps. We got one mbps on or old verizon landline and they would not help us with getting fiber,so as soon as another supplier came when I asked them we climbed aboard
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What's the plate look like on the other side?
Odds are it is some form of telephone system wiring. Those small wires should lead to larger bundled wires you may be able to use as a fish line.
If you cant use them to pull, fell free to just cut them off.
It's a poor wall paintjob
Haha I agree! One of the many projects I need to fix from the previous owners.
rat king
A rip it all out and start again from scratch job.
Old Bell System/AT&T phone wiring and any technician that worked for them would have been fired making that mess. They would never use electrical tape. They would use crimp splices that had an insulating "goo" in them. This looks like an amateur job.
The old Western Electric Princess and Trimline phones would use the black/yellow pair in the jack to be used with a "wall wart" transformer that plugged into an AC outlet to power the dial/touch tone lamps on those phones. When the later models of those phones were converted to LEDs for the dial/touch tone illumination, the black/yellow pair in the jack could be used for a two line phone that used one jack for both lines.
A rats nest.
It looks like a 25-pair phone cable. You could use it to carry Ethernet if the other end is in a useful location.
That looks like your soon shore to re-wire.
Years of neglect.
Were those wires connected to tin cans?
That’s a x.2600 wiring harness. With a little effort it can work for communication