joined 4 months ago
[–] 0xDEADBEEF2 1 points 2 months ago

I can see it. (I'm from lemmy.ca.)


What laptop do you use or recommend? You might have seen a previous post by me asking about a ThinkPad T480. I decided against ThinkPads because Lenovo apparantly has been caught stuffing their firmware with malware at least three times.

Friendly reminder that Lenovo has repeatedly shipped laptops infested with malware and backdoors (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lenovo#Security_and_privacy_in...) sometimes doing so in exchange for money. They've also hidden malware in UEFI so that even reformatting your hard drive wouldn't help.

In one case, after they were found out they first claimed "we have thoroughly investigated this technology and do not find any evidence to substantiate security concerns" and only after it started being reported by more and more news orgs did they finally admit to what they'd done and release instructions on how to fix it.

Sadly, those instructions removed the bloatware, but left the vulnerability it introduced in place giving users a false sense of security, and only after they were caught out for that in the press did they finally release a "removal tool"

The wikipedia page doesn't even list all their offenses or the most recent events. See also : https://www.zdnet.com/article/lenovo-patches-uefi-vulnerabil...

Repairable or not, use Lenovo at your own risk.


(There's a lot more on this topic elsewhere on the Internet. It's not just this one user claiming this.)

So I bought an AMD HP Elitebook 735 Gen 5 and installed Fedora on it. Unfortunately there seems to be some sort of firmware bug that prevents the Linux kernel from reliably loading, which is a shame because it's a beautiful lightweight laptop that works really well when the kernel can actually load, which is about 25% of the time. (The webcam, microphone, Wi-fi, and Bluetooth worked immediately on Fedora. I don't know if it was a software or hardware issue, but Fedora tended to lag when the microphone volume was rapidly adjusted. Also, the laptop couldn't hibernate for some reason; this may be related to the above issue). A user said that downgrading to firmware version 1.00 would fix the problem, but I'm not too comfortable with the idea of running 6-year-old unpatched firmware, so I'm thinking about returning the Elitebook and buying another.

Which leads to the crux of this post: Does anyone have a laptop that they know works effortlessly on Linux that they can recommend to me? This is what I want in a laptop:

  • Not a ThinkPad
  • 2019-2024 laptop (A 2018 model might be fine if it's really good, but I'd prefer to stay more current if possible. I need this laptop to last around 3 years.)
  • Decently powerful processor for virtualization, compilation, and BitTorrent (so 4-core, 8-thread or more)
  • Easily replaceable/upgradable battery
  • Upgradable RAM
  • Upgradable storage (preferably 1 TiB+ NVMe SSD)
  • Webcam
  • Microphone
  • Hassle-free Wi-fi
  • Hassle-free Bluetooth
  • Ethernet port
  • USB ports
  • Hardy frame (nice but not required)

OSes that I want to use:

  • Fedora
  • Guix System with normal kernel
  • Possibly Debian and Arch (to test compatibility if nothing else)

Also, my budget is 250 USD. It seems that 2019-present used laptops have a nice blend between power and price, but I can't figure out what actually works on Linux, and don't want to get burned on another bad purchase. Help!

P.S. If you know of a guide to downgrade Elitebook 735 G5 firmware with a USB flash drive, please tell me. I can't find a guide, and I want to try that before returning the laptop too hastily.

[–] 0xDEADBEEF2 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

By chance are you familiar with the T14 Gen 1 AMD? I realized that it can have 6 cores and 12 threads, which is pretty cool, but it also looks like the battery drains rapidly even during suspend.

I had the same issue [power drain in standby] with the ThinkPad T14 AMD. Left it in my backpack for two days and the battery was completely drained.


T14s Gen 4 AMD on linux, significant battery drain with lid closed

I get massive battery drain when my laptop is sleeping (50%+ in 12 hours for example).


But these comments are from a few years ago, so I don't know whether or not the issue has been fixed by now.

[–] 0xDEADBEEF2 2 points 3 months ago

I haven't looked carefully, but from my last search (approx. 4 months ago) I was under the impression that the T480 was the last dual-battery ThinkPad.

[–] 0xDEADBEEF2 1 points 4 months ago (5 children)

Thanks for the detailed breakdown.

How well do those other models (T49x, T14 Gen 1) work with Linux? Is everything compatible out-of-the-box? And how does the CPU performance compare to the T480? It looks like the T490 has the i7-10710U and the T14 Gen 1 has the Core i7-10810U. Is the CPU performance ranking T14 Gen 1 > T490 > T480? (I'd think a bigger number means better performance.) Does the performance difference even really matter? It looks like these laptops were released 2018 - ~2020, so I imagine they're all close in performance.

T480 specs

T490 specs

T14 Gen 1 specs

I also found out that there is a difference between the T480 and the T480s. Do you have any opinions on them? A Reddit user said this:

This sub loves the T480, but the T480s is a much nicer feeling machine in the hand due to the external frame materials.

Reasons for the T480: power bridge, 64G RAM dual channel. T480s can do 40G RAM which is plenty but it will sacrifice some real world performance due anything above 16G being single channel (visible on i.e. speedometer 2.1)

Reasons for the T480s: build quality/feeling, portability

Link to post

T480s specs

Overall, it looks like the T480s is less upgradable, but more comfortable. Is that analysis correct?

[–] 0xDEADBEEF2 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Thanks for your input. I appreciate it.

Which battery did you buy (if you bought one, of course)? Any recommendations or anti-recommendations? Official batteries usually go for extortionate prices, but aftermarket batteries are a little scary since you can't tell what quality you're going to get until it's too late.

[–] 0xDEADBEEF2 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Thanks for the thorough response. It helps a lot.

How is the Wi-fi on your laptop? Did you have to do something hacky to get it to work, or did the Arch kernel just recognize everything nicely?


Hello everyone. I've been looking for a new laptop recently, and I was wondering what your thoughts were. This is what I want in a new lapop:

  • Decently powerful processor for virtualization, compilation, and BitTorrent
  • Easily replaceable/upgradable battery
  • Upgradable RAM
  • Upgradable storage (preferably 1 TiB+ NVMe SSD)
  • Webcam
  • Microphone
  • Hassle-free Wi-fi (I'm tired of fighting with proprietary blobs that need manual installation and want something plug-and-play)
  • Hassle-free Bluetooth
  • Ethernet port
  • USB ports
  • Hardy frame (nice but not required)

Important note: Ideally the laptop will be compatible with Linux Libre, as I want to run Guix System on it. But I'm not opposed to using the normal Linux kernel if necessary (and probably will anyways due to security protections like Spectre).

I've been eyeing the ThinkPad T480 (specs link) for some time. What do you think? It seems to tick all the boxes:

  • Powerful processor: i7-8650U (a 2018 model I think)
  • Upgradable battery: 24 Wh internal + 72 Wh discrete battery
  • Upgradable RAM (up to 32 GB)
  • Upgradable storage
  • A webcam
  • A microphone
  • Wi-fi
  • Bluetooth
  • Lots of ports (3 USB Type-C, 1 HDMI, 1 Ethernet, 1 headphone)

I do have some concern about the additional storage though. A Reddit user said this:

Just note that the T480 has only 2 usable PCIe lanes, so it's half the rated max speeds (ie, for most of the premium performance pcie3x4 drives, it's about 3500/3000MBps reads/writes respectively), so half that because it's only 2 lanes.

Found this out the hard way, ended up selling the T480 and going for a T14 AMD instead, because for that particular use case I had, high speed reads/writes were important. Was wondering why my 970 Evo Plus was so slow, and thought I had a faulty drive for a moment.

Lenovo acknowledges this limitation at the PSREF: "Installed M.2 SSD is PCIe 3.0 x 4 but run at PCIe 3.0 x 2 due to M.2 SSD adapter limitation"


Link to post

I'm not sure what to think about that. I don't like the idea of getting half capacity, but 1.5 GBps doesn't seem so bad, even if it could theoretically be higher.

Has anyone here used this laptop? Am I understanding the specs correctly?

This isn't specific to this laptop, but how do you determine which NVMe to get? I see lots of numbers and am not certain how to interpret them.

If you think another laptop would meet the above qualifications, feel free to point it out. But my budget is rather tight (250 USD max for the computer, preferably under ~200 USD if possible), so I probably don't have a lot of options with regards to newer computers, which is why I was considering this slightly dated model.

Bonus: I found this article while browsing. Looks like the Wi-fi and Bluetooth don't work…