Yeah live service anything was going to land like a dead fish in my area where whether or not you can get a ping through to fucking Google depends on how many people in the neighborhood are off work.
.02 effectively, breathalyzers aren't perfect and there's plenty of reasons other than drinking to blow above .00
Huh, you know I've never actually thought about how that'd pan out.
I don't have the slightest clue what anybody expected in a redesign. They've kinda got a winning formula for what they're trying to accomplish with the device, the sequel probably wasn't going to look all that different.
There's been locations in the past where the decision was made to initially just build the minimum paths for handicap access and etc and then wait for the desire paths to form to decide where to put the rest of them. Great idea really. The apartment complex started plowing the one that goes from my building to the gas station.
Was gonna say, even if you weren't downing at least a pack a day yourself there's nobody around you who isn't.
Well if that's the case my guess from there is it's moreso warning of extra penalties for shall we say 'daytime mischief'.
IIRC it doesn't do the pickup thing all that well, other than that the purpose of pickups nowadays is mostly as a status symbol. It's kinda surprising, I live in a wealthy mountain town full of electrics but have only ever seen one (1) cybertruck in person.
Edit: UPDATE: saw two today, both had been painted (lol)
Kinda has the hairline going too, impressive really.
"This massive corporation sucks too!" Have you tried not going with a massive corporation?
I'm imagining an outlet in an aquarium just sitting there boiling.
Did you have to help a chicken cross the road making that joke?