The JavaScript isn't slow at rendering, it's re-doing all the network requests. It re-loads parts of the page each time the layout changes.
There are 2 benefits of using TOTP here:
If an attacker gains access to your password, maybe through a keylogger or browser extension, the TOTP code will expire after a minute, and the attacker won't be able to log in later.
Using 2-factor authentication (in general) allows you to keep your login information on 2 separate devices, such as using your computer to store passwords, and your phone to generate TOTP codes. Most people (me included) will probably use 1 device for both though.
Dolphin has this as an option (Configure Dolphin > View > Content Display > Folder Size > Show size of contents[...])
Should be in
Settings > Interface > Post > The Number of Columns in Post Feed
I had the same idea, and I'm trying it right now... Not something I've ever done before though.
Nobody was harmed in the cropping of this meme.
I assumed Qwant had a small, primarily french index which was mixed with bing results. Their article mentions the new index will be based on existing qwant technologies. Do you have a link to where they admit to not having any index at all?
p2p from behind a CGNAT works just fine as long as a single server is accessible and can mediate connections between other peers. Most non-servers are behind some sort of NAT these days.
I really don't feel like it's being used like that here though.
Well I only play a single game, at 30fps and 50% resolution, because I really dislike the fan coming on.
Outside games, I guess higher resolution is better for reading text, but 2k should be enough for that.
I've been using for a while, and I'm happy with it. It costs 1€ per month at it's lowest. They have also been developing an open source video conferencing thing (included in the 1€), which from my experience is much better than jitsi.