It was just a presentation for peers in grad school. For a fun project unrelated to my thesis. Would never have used my personal for a work related presentation. Just a funny story nonetheless. Getting mad shit from buddies beats being fired or passed for promotion anyday lmao
But don't worry guys! The first amendment guarantees a right to assemble. The police wouldn't ever do anything to infringe on our rights! If they were to do it, I'm sure there'd be a really sick folk song written about it or something
Whatever makes you feel good my man
I love hyprland, but plugging my laptop into a projector for a presentation and forgetting to mirror displays was a fun time. Hard to explain the default anime girl away without people knowing what you're talking about. Since then I've learned you can disable that background lmao
That's a pretty solid name actually. Props where it's due. But I'm still right about you. The mods are just as insecure about that too apparently
Sigma snake
Duly noted mr gofckyourself
The amount of mental gymnastics you have to go through here is insane. I feel sorry for your two overworked brain cells being forced to type all these comments lmao
I am real popular in algebra 😎
It's a rabbit hole. The book of Enoch is pretty wild too. It was so popular that the New Testament was written assuming you had read it, but again, it was rejected from the biblical cannon. There's a bunch of references in the Bible that make much more sense if you know the Enoch. Some cool lore in there too. All of the apocrypha is cooler than anything in the official Bible cannon tbh. All ruled out because they wanted to make mass as boring as possible I assume.
But yeah, check out Gnosticism. It's an early sect of Christianity that believes all of the apocrypha. Much more based than our Christians I think. It kind of goes in an eastern religion direction while maintaining western mythology. Interesting stuff. It's considered the ultimate heresy which is reason enough to learn about it haha
This is a pretty quick intro to the topic. Sub 10 min to get the gist.
You sound real upset for misreading my comment. Literally claiming the opposite lmao
I'm on the gay side of the community (and have only seen Ghibli and Cowboy Beebop which takes away a ton of credentials). Still rough, but a tad better. Downloaded a premade setup from github because it's cute and left it with that. Outside of adding some keyboard shortcuts