Happy to help, as an agnostic this kind of knowledge is a nice silver lining to a religious upbringing :P
It's nice to see a just plain wholesome one every now and then
Pineapple on pizza: yes or no?
This has always been a fun low stakes debate with new people, I don't know how well it'll carry over to .NZ though
Lot's wife, from the Christian Bible, was turned into salt when she looked back on sodom and gamorrah as the Christian god destroyed them. Cows love salt licks.
It took me till I was 24 to go to college. Now I'm set with a great government job and I just have to hold the line until I can buy a house. I work to live not live to work. What am I doing with my life? Spending it caring about the people I care about.
For anyone who resonates with this comic remember two things: it's never too late and your job won't define your value.
The show currently has a 14% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, where critics describe it as "psychological torture" and "Freudian Horror".
I'll die on this hill with you fellow person of culture.
We really gotta make neon a thing again
The banality of evil certainly wasn't invented by Nazis and it definitely didn't end with them
Spy came in from the cold, it feels so odd to see his face after so many years of maining him. He was my first Merc. Damn I'm a bit sentimental now...