
joined 2 weeks ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (7 children)

Here's the problem with sweeping statements on the Internet like the one you just did - you never know who you're talking to.

You have no clue how hilarious your comment reads from the perspective of someone who's worked in IT for the past 20 years. :D

Here's the difference between Linux and Windows TODAY (that's a CRITICAL point) - the average user gets the OS installed, fires it up and just uses it. If there's a problem, a reboot will fix it 99% of the time. For that 1% there's a bajillion different forums where they'll find help.

Now, Linux? You install it, fire it up, and it runs without issues. Or it doesn't! You use an app, and it works - or it doesn't! You start searching for solutions online and find that the issue you've had has been resolved but on a different distro, things look different on yours and you have no clue how to proceed.

Windows is not a perfect OS, but it's as good as it gets (next to MacOS) in terms of "I'm John, this is my first computer, I just learned how to log in and now I want to have some fun". Linux is FAR from that, still.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago (43 children)

It’s easier to use than Windows

LOL, good one!

I especially loved the user friendliness of my distro randomly disconnecting my BT mouse and refusing to reconnect. Had to edit grub to get it back to working order.

Or how I changed the lock screen image through settings. Now I can see it - in Settings. Only. Because if I lock my device, I still see the old one.

Or how on Kubuntu, my previous distro, the applications' menu (the one with "File", "View", "Help", etc.) just disappeared from all apps. Spent two days trying to sort it out and ended up switching to Tuxedo OS.

Such an easy to use OS, especially for those who've never done one bit of troubleshooting themselves!

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