Hi! I am developing an script in termux for anrdoid tv (lineageos) .
Anybody know if is possible close notifications of other apps, for example kde connect, from shell?
ooooh... and how did you it?
thanks, i have installed it but same result
I have trying sway in Manjaro and the icon for evolution mail in the try par is not showed. Any idea?
I think that depends on version too. In 1.11.2 it is not yet.
thank you for your work and this good app
uhmmm, perhaps here
or better
thank you ^_^
nice. One question. Can I create new communities from raccon app?
Thank you soooo mucho for your answer.
and, maybe on the future? or that is some very difficult to implement?
Hi people,
Is possible to scheduled messages in simpleX similiar to telegram?
ooooh... and how did you it?