Non so se è perchè non ho google oppure grazie ad adaway ma non ho mai visto una pubblicità che fosse una su sync.
Se devo leggere un articolo per scaricare un gioco di 23 anni fa, arr arr fiddle de dee.
Giusto per info, modnight club 2 che compri su steam, è la versione crackata perché rockstar è ritardata e ha perso la sua versione originale:
There's dozens of us.
I'm complaining about the title. They could have said near Morocco or south of spain or whatever. But putting just europe in the title is too generic.
"A human was killed in Oceania" Or better "Something happened somewhere"
Europe is quite vague.
Well to damage the organs you need to eat VERY badly for decades but yes in general i agree
Too many people order shitty delivery so that they can save 15 minutes cooking while spending 3 times more
No it doesn't or at least it shouldn't. That should be the norm.
Ma lo street food non costa più di un ristorante! Io oramai mi sono abituato a spendere 30€ se c'è la tovaglia e prendo acqua e un piatto non troppo costoso!!!
I have a nuc from 2015-2018 and its very bad at heat management. Like during summertime if the AC is not on its going to reboot itself after a while when using it (it can reach 35C° where it is stored) I now have a optiplex micro which is much better but I still want to use the NUC for something else
Yeah i wrongly worded it. Maybe is better to say "if you need energy or if you simply needs to say awake"
Non mi sentirei per nulla in colpa a crackare Diablo 2. Anzi, trovo irresponsabile non averne una copia in continuo seeding se hai un PC sempre acceso XD