The Child-Free should be banished from the city, freeing up housing for the productive parents that spend 3 hours every day commuting into work.
The pearl clutchers love to screech about fires and safety, ignoring the fact fire suppression tech has advanced significantly in the time point access blocks were banned.
Fine, let's blast holes in the ground for aggregate and make CO2 intensive concrete housing instead
Or picked apart by private equity vultures at the expense of pension funds.
That's not true at all. Loss of controlling ownership makes a company vulnerable to a hostile takeover. The new owners will pick it apart like the vultures they are.
RIP grannies pension plan
What you are proposing would fundamentally break price discovery on the open market as everyone's tax burden would need to be continually calculated. That just isn't feasible.
To expand on that, you should also pay tax on unrealized gains used as collateral for a loan.
When the PM is directly implicated in some of the classified info, I don't trust Trudeau not to use clearance as a way to muzzle (or jail) his critics.
The man is a narcissistic tyrant.