Gamefaqs is a classic for strategy guides for real oldies, or just if you enjoy quaintly embarrassing writing
Comedy has to have an element of truth.
Gov. Mike Huckabee, his left eye rolling independently: "Ever noticed that Barack HUSSEIN Obama is a secret Muslim werewolf who hates America?"
Nonagenarian audience: "Ha, ha, ha. This humorous whippersnapper is the bee's knees"
It's becoming a graveyard of cancelled shows. When they killed GLOW, that was it for me.
Also the sound design is really bad. Everything is really 'dry' with no room reverb, sort of like how talking on telephones used to sound
Louisville has bike rentals for $5 / 30mins; 39 stations around 2 cities
Why is the thumbnail a naked lady? lemmy getting hacked again?
They have a picture of Iggy Pop also for some reason when he played a vorta
There are some apocryphal books (officially left out of the Bible) where Jesus does some strange things such as killing a child with magic and making a clay bird come alive. The latter is mentioned in the Quran 3.49 & 5.110
Just overlook the torture, like with Ellen DeGeneres and her pal George W. Bush
I think there's too much emphasis on primitive weapons as hunting and not enough on just walking until the thing dies (which wolves are also suited). Just relentless stalking, even if we've lost a limb we had to cut off our own body. Humans are like the monster in a slasher movie
I guess with how well the terrorists taught us this lesson, means that we'd be even more better at it. We even learned about something called a 'Boston Tea Party' when we were little!