I'm giving up mainly cause I'm just to shit at finding good colors and everytime I think I found something good I either mess it up or the more I look at it the worse I get so I think I'm just done with it.
Is this good or should I just complety change it cause I've been seeing alot of excaliburs recently and they just destroy while I'm always dead. I don't have gloom and I've tried to learn shield gating but I find it awkward.
So I always thought my build was decent I never thought it was the best but I unlocked steel path like a month or 2 ago and I can't survive for my life and I've tried to learn shield gating but I just can't man so if any of u can give me some tips and builds that would be much appreciated. Thx
Is the only way to get the good arcanes from eidolons cause I don't really like farming eidolons.