I'm waiting for the L009UiGS-RM to be back in stock so I can try that out.
I doubt there is a much better solution, the huge rack mounted UPS are just tons of 12v batteries wired together. I would question why your batteries are dieing so frequently, I expect to get 5+ years out of mine with light use.
This could basically be the graph for characters people made in DND beyond.
Been using it as my daily driver for ~2 years now and it's been great. The arch-keyring needed to be updated first was annoying but I believe they solved that in the last year since I haven't had any issues with that.
It's not something I would trust my mother to be able to setup but if you are a regular Linux user then it shouldn't be too hard for you.
I can't wait to reserve some compute time for when the ocean data center is getting wind power.
IIRC Apple Computers had negotiated usage of the Apple trademark for computers but was explicitly prohibited from doing anything music related with it. It was settled out of court but I am sure Apple records made a lot of money once they started up iTunes.
If it's anything like Firefox then it's about time.
Just never make it a material incident and then you don't have to worry.
If it says it's not data capped then it's going to really just depend on what speed you can get up/down.
Shodan is a internet scanning website, it can monitor your IP for new ports open and some basic vulnerability stuff.
Burpsuite is a tool to capture network traffic, they are saying they use it to confirm all their services use end to end encryption for communication.
NGFW is next gen firewall and it's just a firewall that's able to do more than your basic in/out rules.
What average consumer has hardware that's actually capable of using more than 1Gbps?