I've stopped asking about States Rights to do what, they just sidestep it. I just ask them about the confederate constitution.
Article I, Sec. 9(4), Article IV, Sec 2(1)(3), Sec 3(3) (I'll give a hint, it's where the CSA federal government outlawed states enacting laws to outlaw slavery. States Rights my ass)
If I get the sputtering boat of "butbutbut" after that it's what are the secession declarations of Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia.
At that point either they really didn't fucking know... I grew up in the South and I was an adult before I knew a lot of these, it certainly isn't in the education system I'll tell you that... but if it isn't the really didn't know category, then they're as much a lost cause as their myth.
I saw on a conservative discussion group about making "TDS" (Trump Derangement Syndrom is what they're calling it) an actual entry into psychiatric work. I was wondering where this was coming from.
There it is.