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When do we rise up? Waiting ten days to have a shopping strike feels like minimizing the severity of this crisis.
Only peer-to-peer decentralized networks should be used for that type of organization. For example, I2P.
People ask what the "red line" that would need to be crossed before we have a rebellion is. Not having an election in 2028 certainly would be such a red line.
How can the "free speech" party so consistently get it wrong when it comes to the First Amendment?
Bro got abducted by government aliens
This is how you know the current administration is wholly corrupt: Even when Elon Musk does blatantly illegal things, the DoJ won't prosecute him. Trump doesn't care that this is illegal.
It is so stupid that the prosecution of federal crimes can be politically co-opted like this.
I can't just call out of work for this, but if another protest is planned a bit more in advance I will totally go. I think there are a lot of people like me who would attend these protests if they were a bit better planned.
It's literally calling for a general strike on Feb 28 and March 15. No work, etc. on those days.
What about those of us who have to work to put food on the table? Attending a protest or rally is one thing, but participating in a general strike is something else entirely.
Edit: By downvoting me you are advocating for violence.
I think it's too soon to say we're on the fourth box already. Let's wait until SCOTUS and the impeachment in Congress fail.