I feel like her eyebrows are too close together. In addition to being too dark and blocky.
joined 9 months ago
Game day. Give me a fucking break! L in An eagles shirt. Get the fuck out. Bandwagon bitch.
So dumb.
Also her promo for well dot ca is awful. BLEH.
I fucking hate everything she does.
Why is a chain coffee cup SO CUTE?!?!
And I can’t with the Disney wallpaper. 🙄
Nope. It looks like it was shot in her backyard with pink tulle over her face. BLEH.
Also she did a promo for well dot ca and it’s awful.
Ah. I must have blinked and missed how critical essential oils are in her life lol
If I made a reel like this to go somewhere with my kids, they’d be horrified!!