See, you educated yourself! I only wanted to point you to official documentation with the hope you get in the habit of starting there (with any tech). Ask a hundred people and probably get a hundred differing answers. Look at Stack Overflow and sites like that where there's always multiple answers. Thankfully there's usually one with a green tick that is likely the best answer. Anyway, you now have it in a nutshell - No data to recover = The point of using Tails (without persistence). There's no such thing as permanent total online anonymity.
I think the first responder @grant did understand and answered in a relevant way. I'll answer your question with a question. What is the point of using VPN if your ISP can correlate times from logs? I think you should get on the Tails site and educate yourself further to better understand use case for Tails.
So yeah, I've heard it was a good movie too. Like, totally an Oscar worthy performance for sure! ;)
We`re never going to escape it, but I hope it's not as prevalent as it is on Facebook and twitter etc. Last time I heard anything about the topic regarding those platforms it was some surprisingly unimaginable number of corporate accounts. Like 75%. What I mean by that is people being hired by corporations to join social media platforms and pretend to be legit users interacting with others while pushing agendas, attending to damage control or recommending product.
I totally agree with the title's sentiment. I don't mind some free open source rough edges. Lemmy functions great. There's also a good deal of what looks like genuine interaction. However, I would like to point out that I think there's a LOT of corporate shills pushing agendas. Some notable ones might be pharmaceutical propaganda and corporate banking with cashless solutions.
I understand the tiling features in COSMIC will be much more comprehensive than could be expected of the GNOME extension. I'm anticipating everything you said and more. It's working fine now in COSMIC DE already and has as much functionality as the extension has already.
COSMIC DE now runs on Asahi Linux, while cosmic-settings and cosmic-icons have been added to NixOS!
This news is awesome! With Slint, Iced and all the many projects working on Rust apps for COSMIC, and now having other distributions on board gives a lot of confidence in the quality of this desktop.
Google's modus operandi - business as usual. Deploying their dirty tricks on their mass of servers to edge out and destroy competition. When caught out they apologize all surprised Pikachu style, then do it again differently. This is likely in response to news about Firefox mobile finally allowing extensions to work. People are probably trying it out, but their Youtube experience will be crap, so they'll go back to chrome.
Sounds great and really secure, because Microsoft has such a good record of security, privacy and keeping private keys private. I'm being facetious of course. It is my hope that governments quit looking for convenience by outsourcing to third party private corporations.
Most people are sadly uninformed about what constitutes "money" in our modern society. Here's a crash course.
Not saying good, bad, right or wrong - We need to understand what this all means. Here's a good start.
January 1 - This is just the emotionally charged distraction. Keep watchful for the event that needs to go under the radar. A change in laws or policy, a new war, or anything that is meant to erode people's privacy, security or freedom. The US has a history of implementing undesirable changes during holiday periods when there's little opposition. Possibly something like this;