Snälltåget Funktioniert nicht immer, aber einen Versuch ist es wert
Reisen im Süden Deutschlands kann man teilweise billiger über die ungarische Bahn buchen. Im Norden über eine schwedische billig Gesellschaft. Hab da mal n Ticket von Malmö nach München für 40€ gekauft. ICE ab Hamburg, ich musste nur von Hamburg nach München, der Start ab Malmö war aber halt billiger.
I only got robbed once in my life.
First day of vacation, the sun is shining and I’m walking down a street in Porto. Bakeries are advertising their freshly baked goods. Happily I enter one, see above sign, chuckle and proceed to buy one of these delicious looking pastries. I leave the bakery, in my hands is a pastel de nata. Tasty. With a big smile I continue my walk down the street. I turn my head and admire some flowers. Then it hits me. Quite literally. Something hit me in my face, and the bag of pastries is pulled out of my hands. I stand there, baffled. The people around me stare at me. I look at my hands, still trying to process what happened. The dude next to me stares at me, I look at him, looking for my pastry. He points at a seagull. There I see it: a freaking seagull flying away with my pastry. It dived down, mid flight and stole the bag I held in my hands. The hit in my face was its wing. I got robbed by a seagull.
I think it’s great that you shared this, we all like to only post the negative and forget about sharing the positive. The people that work closer to the customers are in 95% extremely nice and helpful. I made a few last minute changes thanks to their support. Also I’m amazed how nice they stay even will all the BS they face.
Well in my countryside village they didn’t want me cause I was a girl. It’s 15 years ago now, and they struggled for a while to find new kids that want to join. So I’m not surprised that there are Freiwillige Feuerwehren that would reject others based on their prejudices.
Healy’s Aktion war scheisse. Es hat der LGBTQ+ Community in Malaysia absolut 0 gebracht. Im Gegenteil, wahrscheinlich mehr geschadet.
Weisser Retter kommt in ein Land, macht was für Publicity, verlässt das Land und die Community dort kann dann dort mit den Folgen leben.
Jemand aus Malaysia fasst hier ganz gut zusammen was das Problem ist:
Echte Hilfe sieht anders aus. Wie? Keine Ahnung, aber so sicherlich nicht.
Edit: Hier ist ein Artikel der Washington Post in dem Queer-Activists in Malaysia die Aktion mit sehr gemischten Gefühlen sehen.