True... but that rolls off the tongue better than, "The not-quite-friendly business partner of my country's toxic monsters is my friend."
Republicans ARE our common enemy, at this point... Democrats have been an "enemy of my enemy" scenario for decades now, but they are LITERALLY the lesser of two evils. Howsabout we get rid of this BS two-party system that's allowed the Overton window to go so far right? Maybe start there, not "work with cuntservatives.
Well... it would seem those same godless commies weren't ACTUALLY communists. So now we don't know WHAT to think! Fortunately, there seems to be a real lack of thinking in our "under God" nation anyhow... so, we got that!
Eh... that got added in the 50's to differentiate us from those godless commies.
Missed opportunity for "DoomSTrolling" instead of doomwalking.
Welcome to Worcester! Dollah twenty-five, pal!
"Ok at best" is generous...
Exactly what I was thinking of while reading this comic.
Yeah, he "won" against Tyson. Tyson looked old and weak, legs were not with him... Paul didn't even go full ham, Tyson barely threw punches, and you could tell it wasn't full effort for either fighter.
Hard disagree. Brought my Grammy, who hadn't voted in 35+ years, in to get her absentee ballot... granted, she made me so to "make sure I vote against Trump" so she felt like she did something. Not all old people are cool with Fascist dipshits.
I partly agree with "It's only by rectifying the past that we can solve the future"... but you cannot do that while being unconcerned with the present.