The reason we don't build and maintain cities via airlift is because it's very expensive and very inefficient. The US should demand Israel allows truck transport in and out of Gaza.
Shouldn't be difficult to understand. If the main concern was saving Palestinian lives, the first thing to do would be stop providing bombs to Israel. You'll notice that's not even on the table.
Rabbi Eliyahu Mali and his Yeshiva are sponsored by Benjamin Netanyahu’s government
Yes it is, but actually doing some thing and staging some Hollywood air drop nonsense are two different things.
They're doing it because voters in Michigan and to a lesser extent in other states are refusing to vote for Biden. This has very little to do with preventing Palestinian deaths.
Children are starving to death, how many more will die before this pier gets built?
Hamas who walked away from the peace talks because Israel wouldn’t agree to the destruction of Israel?
Cite sources.
No it isn't. People are starving to death and the best they can come up with is to parachute 30,000 meals to 1 million people? I'll ask you again how many weeks would it take to provide one meal to each of the over 1 million people there? Does that seem even remotely efficient to you?
Children are starving to death and genocide Joe is providing political theater.
I find it truly amazing that brain dead liberals actually believe air lifting food is a viable alternative to opening the roads and sending in convoys of trucks. Do you understand they delivered just 30,000 meals in one week? Now do you also understand there are over 1 million people waiting for food. Do the math, how many weeks would it take provide 1 million people with one meal?
Apparently you were too lazy to read my previous reply, so I'll repost it for you. Save your speculation as to whether or not Hamas would be emboldened, it's meaningless nonsense.
What tactics has the West utilized against Russia that they have not employed against Israel?
Economic sanctions. Apply them to Israeli leadership in the military and in politics. Plus Business leaders and bankers. Prevent Israeli banking institutions “from accessing SWIFT, the international system for financial transactions, and restricting access to Western financial markets.” Ban Israeli access to international goods and services import as well as export. Let’s see how long their military can go without oil.
remember this started because israeli civilians were killed in a terrorist attack
This started because Israel is illegally occupying Palestinian territory and has violated every cease-fire over the last 15 years. If you think it started on October 7 you don't have a clue what you're talking about.
Dropping humanitarian aid from airplanes, or building a stupid pier is incredibly inefficient and costly. It's theatre to appease the liberals. It's designed to win back voters who are pissed off that genocide Joe won't take meaningful action.
YES!!!! It feels like I'm losing my mind trying to explain this to people, but this is exactly the right thing to do. It's the only solution that makes any sense at all.