Maybe buy a printer off the used market with cash, print a large amount to last you a while, then sell the printer off again. You would have to manage your stock of flyers as a sort of contraband i.e. hide them, but that's probably more convenient than "tainting" your personal printer and having that risk laying around your home.
If you do end up participating, printer steganography is something to be aware of. I never knew about this till fairly recently, and I think it was a comment here that informed me.
All Abrahamic faiths. Its an embarrassment that secular society still allows this Iron Age junk a seat at the table.
My limited understanding is that he presided over two of our largest scale military embarrassments, so I don't know why he's looked upon so fondly by history.
t. Ivan Ivanovich
Someone was crushed to death fairly recently by someone doing exactly this.
Finally, one might say.
Remember when she chased down an underage survivor of the Parkland shooting and harassed him insinuating he was a crisis actor?
Fuck her, she's garbage. Make her miserable.
Having a hard time imagining commercial grade optic wire a quarter of a mm think surviving things like a mildly stiff breeze against some bushes or tree branches.
I think your chances are better in a combat unit than in a ~~concentration camp~~ family rehabilitation and wellness facility.
There's not just no money in it, they see incentive in killing their old products thoroughly in order to better sell their new ones.