This is actual brain-damage behavior. You don't get this way from overconsuming rage-bait on twatter or whatever. This guy needs to be clinically studied.
Yeah the gameplay loop in that game is definitely an issue, IMO what they need is a 'optional' victory condition like in Anno 1800 or Factorio where you have the option to keep playing after winning.
Always wondered, what other things would they investigate? Certain other kinds of research that aren't as 'flashy' as nuclear stuff? Multinational oligarchs? Systemically engineered mass murder events?
Mack Ave and Russel st.
What's the deal with this certainty that this is the result of people's will? I'm more inclined to beleive it is a systemic result of 'winner takes all' logic and the penetration of political and media institutions by bad actors.
I'm beginning to believe that a large portion of this society doesn't actually see anything wrong with genocide, they just don't like the word and are content with telling themselves that the victims deserved it.
Isreal and the US government know what they are doing, the killing is deliberate, it is the only viable explanation for things like the treatment of UNRWA and the clear targeting of civilians in Gaza and the West Bank. Claiming that these targets are somehow militants would be laughable if the consequences weren't so saturated with human blood.
It's obvious to me that both parties would make the same choices here, party politics are only to blame here as far as they enabled themselves to be so throughly penetrated by foreign interests. Only real difference with Trumptard VS genocide Joe is that trump would be more transparent with his support for genocide.
Not Dr Breen!
Seeing his Breencast waiting In line at TSA almost let's me pretend I just arrived in city 17, probably the most use anyone who's not a politician has ever gotten out of TSA.
As if we needed more proof that the british are a fallen civilization.