
joined 2 years ago
[–] Cerothen 3 points 1 year ago

This made me realize that I have a search bar on my home screen that I literally never use and I do use a third party launcher that it could be turned off. Very funny indeed

[–] Cerothen 20 points 1 year ago
[–] Cerothen 8 points 1 year ago

That two tower building is pretty distinct, and it's in both pictures

[–] Cerothen 44 points 1 year ago

I think what's funnier about this is that most home assistant users make purchasing choices based on support in home assistant. So anyone that bought one of their units and used it in home assistant would have just bought something else without the support in home assistant being there.

As a result I would think they actually made more money from having that plugin existing.

[–] Cerothen 2 points 1 year ago

I think the issue here is more that interacting with certain companies or services is unavoidable. As an Android user I often will have to interact with iPhone users and the impact of their vendor lock-in techniques is that the experience of those interactions is worse on both sides.

I can't convince every person to stop using an iPhone, or even just just a different messaging app, most people can't even agree what to have for dinner...

So users that take it upon themselves to try and improve the experience by trying things like beeper or beeper mini are actually trying to help others maintain their choices and preferences without the degraded experience.

So sometimes a person voting with their dollars isn't enough, since it's others choices that still have an impact

[–] Cerothen 7 points 1 year ago

I agree, for the lay person the steamos experience in the deck is great and has no issues it installs things it plays things, most people won't need to open the desktop experience at all

[–] Cerothen 15 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Won't be long until my ai model can produce it's very own Linux distro complete with 7 fingered keyboard layouts

[–] Cerothen 7 points 1 year ago

In GTA my insurance provider is Smith and Wesson

[–] Cerothen 1 points 1 year ago

Storage expansion is great. I got a 2tb SSD form AliExpress for ~160CAD and put in a 1tb SD card. I can just install whatever I want and never worry about shaders or games using to much space.

[–] Cerothen 1 points 1 year ago

Yep, vote however you want, I don't care, just go and vote.

[–] Cerothen 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

So it doesn't affect me at all but may I ask why you wouldn't decide to vote for an independent, or the republican party.

Really you should vote for whomever most closely aligns with your governing preferences. Ultimately if you dislike the platform of every party, then it should be a decision about which most closely aligns with what you're looking for.

If you were deciding what to eat it doesn't really matter if you don't like the options, eventually you have to choose something or someone else will choose for you.

Again I'm not endorsing any party or platform, I don't care about how you choose to cast your vote. I just think that everyone should vote, even if it doesn't align with my preferences or voting choices, which again I'm not saying I endorse any party specifically.

[–] Cerothen 2 points 1 year ago

The public selects the representation every few years, the public votes them out that's a form of being held accountable. If people ignore their right to vote then that can let people abuse their positions or cause people to pander only to people who actually vote since those are the people keeping them in. D

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