Dennis, are we going to hurt these girls?
I work in a role that's 12h shift. With an average of 2.8 shifts a week when stat and holidays are accounted for.
I dread the day that I can't do the nights anymore and have to move into a 4 or 5 day a week role. With the nights sometimes it doesn't even feel like I lost the whole day on each end of a set.
I do this now for services in using, overall pretty straightforward once you have a basic understanding of doing one they are all pretty easy.
I think that there is a misunderstanding about the purpose Beeper is trying to solve. It's about consolidating all your chat services together into one place. Google messages is SMS/MMS/RCS. Beeper or by extension the whole matrix platform with bridges can roll almost all your services together, gchat, sms, mms, RCS, Facebook, iMessage, discord, WhatsApp, signal, telegram, slack, instagram, etc.
Apparently you can dress up for "fuck you" heat.
When I started driving I was taught to leave enough space between my car and the next car that I could turn out without any other car moving (in front or behind).
If you snug up it limits your options
It's like fight club, and we follow the rules
On Android I just started using kiwi browser a month or two ago it's for android only but it's chromium based and supports extensions which brings ublock and others to mobile.
Honestly I would be more inclined to ask the median life expectancy of those that live past 30.
This is exactly my sentient.
Canada mid 30s. A car is essentially required outside of a major city but after my first two cars were manual the incredible inconvenience of crawling traffic got to me and my current car is an automatic.
I found I had to constantly hug the car in front which meant always feathering the clutch, if I didn't and the gap grew just large enough for a car to fit someone always jumped lanes into the gap.