I think the question is how far along you are to the October crisis before the emergencies act can be deemed to be constitutional? Does it take one murdered minister to invoke it? Or should it be invoked before it happens?
Tell that to Doug Ford, the OPP, the Ottawa police who should have done something for 3 weeks. They did nothing and Trudeau had to use federal powers to deal with a provincial and Municipal problem.
The real failure is Doug Ford who allowed the protest to go wild. Trudeau wanted a swift resolution and he got it. It may be unconstitutional but Trudeau didn't want another October crisis.
China stole Canadian research and tech multiple times, the last straw being the COVID vaccine that was supposed to be a joint research venture. It's no wonder Canada has reluctance to allow sensitive tech to be researched by Chinese students.
Starving parents are gonna want starving children says fat dictator.
House Republicans will find that this will not be another Clinton impeachment. They will find a very hostile opponent and will end Congress with nothing to show the voters in 2024.
Stupid rules are created because of stupid people.
If the QPP isn't even doing better then the CPP how is Alberta going to do better?
What did they expect when it was built as a hammer to end constitutional oversight? There is no onus to make a law constitutional with this clause.
Windows 10 should be proud it is XP next generation. We are going to get another vista disaster if Microsoft keeps pushing 11.
Rick Mercer made a rant about how he has a parliamentary pension at 31 years old.
It's why Laurentian bank is still looking for a buyer. Wealth Simple could have at least some banking assets already and simply build out their web presence. That they didn't means power Corp didn't want to get into the banking business.