Don't be like Feinstein where people have to question your health and be ignobly forced out. Leave on a high note.
I think there will be more stand your ground situations where the video will be used to justify shooting anyone that forcibly enters. Police, burglars are fair game.
More like at the Senate floor. And get on the news cycle for 15 min.
Slave catchers and preventing black people from leaving for free states. That worked well in the 1860s.
Huckabee has nothing left but Trump. Once Trump is gone Huckabee goes to the old folks home. He did nothing for Arkansas and nothing for America.
Looks like Microsoft needs to be reminded about their anti trust case again. some things never change.
We can blame Kony again, says the Kremlin.
A HOA for rich people. How exciting.
Time to collect the abortion bounty from Texas by claiming these migrants were seeking an abortion in California. Have everyone sue governor Abbott for this.
Wastewater is one of the reliable means of trending viral prevalence and would be useful to gauge when public messaging is needed to flatten the curve. Flu, COVID or otherwise. Even trending wastewater in international airports could raise early alarm bells of novel viruses from other countries.
People in Atlanta may not know how he does business in New York and Florida.
China has so many phone brands they don't even have to use a US brand. It was surprising it took this long after Huawei and ZTE was banned by Trump back in 2017.