What don't get is why people think something like star wars can't have different tones. It's a big universe with a big story. Just because the originals were these scifi epics doesn't mean a different story set in the universe can't be grounded and dark. Like how 40k can be really goofy and stupid but also really serious and gritty. It depends on the specific story being told within the setting. Not the setting as a whole
What instances are doing that?
Needs more content. Personally I'd like video hosting (i know thats a big ask). And some way to make instances less confusing for newcomers.
Landlords are the reason housing is so expensive. By buying up realestate and renting it out, landlords are directly contributing to the scarcity. Personally housing should be a human right. If you don't want to go that far here's a different solution. Literally just make apartment's buyable rather than rentable. Don't allow landlords to buy up all this realestate thus raising prices by creating a fake scarcity of housing. If landlords didn't own all of it, and people could buy apartment's rather than rent them, the prices would lower and become more accessible for people
I'll say it once and I'll say it again. Even the father of capitalism thought landlords were parasitic leeches on the economy. Even the father of capitalism hated landlords
Ignorance is bliss
Even the father of capitalism thought landlords were parasites that only leeched off the economy
The Rojava Revolution in Syria, and the Zapatistas in Mexico seem to be promising. Not saying you should sign up for them or anything lol. But they are certainly worth looking at and learning from. Communism is experimental, and it's important to look at attempts at it and learn from their mistakes and successes.
I want a system that provides for the people who make it function. And I see that communism, if used in a centralized government, gives too much power to the politicians. It's a breeding ground for corruption and totalitarianism.
So to me the logical answer to that is have as decentralized a government as possible. And I think, if given the chance, people can and will organize themselves without the need of managers, bosses, or politicians. But it has to be natural, the people have to choose it. The CNT-FAI in the context of the Spanish Civil War is a good example of this.
But I know it's hard for people to view things beyond their own experiences. I started off as a trotskyist and slowly transitioned to more and more decentralized ideologies. It took me awhile till I finally understood the concept of anarchism and its arguments for how it could work. Because like many, I thought that without a government people would descend into chaos. What helped me was finding real world examples of anarchism in practice, like the CNT-FAI, Makhnovista, and Zapatistas (although they don't consider themselves anarchist)
I'm an anarcho-communist. I know response to that is you don't think it'd work on a country scale because people believe you need a government to organize a national system. Syndicalism would be the best, or council communism. Ultimately I think they too run too much of a risk of corruption and totalitarianism, hence why I'm an anarchist. But I do think they'd be less prone to it than any authoritarian communism or even the capitalist systems we have now due to their decentralized nature
Pretty much every revolution in history is that gamble. Plenty of times capitalist democracies have fallen to totalitarianism.
An datz jus wut dey'll do