Thanks for providing a link to a (hopefully) trustable source! I was thinking about searching a bit myself but it's crazy at work at the moment so I was going to put it on the "do it later" list, and we all know how that usually works out xD
As others have said, shouldn't be an issue, I'm currently on 70 mg in the morning and another 20 mg after lunch since I felt the effect wasn't sufficient later in the day so they gave me a second dosage for the afternoon. Here (in Sweden) it's possible to get 70+30 mg if it's necessary for a boost later in the day.
I couldn't find it mentioned already, but I really loved Vagante.
I watched an interesting video that Pirate Software did on this topic, he covered valid concerns about the language/wording of the initiative that was troublesome. Check it out:
I'm sorry to hear that, I couldn't even imagine having to work two jobs, let alone getting employment abuse, I'm tired enough as it is when I get home from my one job. My wife isn't working either but luckily we get by anyway, but getting a house or a larger investment will take a super long time since there is not much to save each month.
Another thing with ADHD (as you might know) is that the frontal lobe isn't fully developed, which makes it harder to regulate your feelings and how to respond.
I love the idea of a stamp sheet or something like that to make it clear what needs to be done, I often don't see things that my wife finds obvious and that can lead to irritation, but we have been able to get past that since we talked about my shortcomings and what I need support with to be able to do them.
Or he already feels guilty that you did the task instead of him, so that he feels that he let you down. As I said before, I'm just speculating from my own experiences with letting my wife down (and people at work) by not doing something that I agreed to do, that shouldn't be hard but is hard since I was unable to get it done.
Have you talked with him about your ADHD? And that you need support from him to be able to maintain a tranquil environment at home?
I haven't personally tried etcher but I read in a similar post that it oftenly led to errors when booting from usb-sticks, you could try Rufus instead and see if it works better.