I´m sorry sweaty but your misogyny is showing again, please show some respect for our girlboss slay queen
This shit is the number one reason I started taking up fighting classes again. I'm in no way a violent person but, as we've seen many times now, coming up for your rights will get you in violent situations. Your enemy is not going to roll over and neither should you.
Inflation is inherent to capitalist greed. Prices are set by one group of people only, and that's the employers (or capitalists, whatever you want to call them). Prices going up is because they choose to raise the price.
Don't let them fool you. Raising the prices hurts their 'customers'. They know that. But they will have a few tools to deal with that as well. They will say they don't want to raise the prices, but they HAVE to, they are FORCED to (because their costs went up, or the governments taxes went up etc). They act as if they, the ones setting the prices, don't have any influence over said prices. They act as if we, the common people, and them, the 1%, are somehow in the same boat and that these inflations just suddenly appear from nowhere. That's not true. They set the demand and they set the price. If I sell toothbrushes and I want to make more profit, I produce less toothbrushes to create an artificial scarcity. I can then set my price higher in order to make more profits.
The number one reason why companies raise prices is simple. It's to make more profits. If you raise the price you might sell fewer, but you sell fewer at a (much) higher price. It also means you have to buy less, you need less employess you have to pay. Oftentimes companies actually hold back in producing in order to set higher prices (hello oil companies).
Inflation is part of the class war between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. It's meant as a tool to squeeze whatever is possible from the proletariat for the benefit of the ruling class.
Don't even for a second think the oil companies in this picture are seperated from the war and are sad about it. This war created a 'shortage' in oil which has been really helping the oil companies story about how they needed to raise the prices because of the war and oil shortages. It's just to make more money. That's all.
He's saying it as if he is doing all the work himself. Mate you have thousands of employees and slaves working for you. All you do is shitpost on Twitter. Delusional cock flashing fucker.
This behavior is part of why they get this far. You'd have to be insane to actually want to be a billionaire, given the abuse and exploitation that's needed for that. No sane person would be able to cope.
That's why so many people in power do these things. They have no moral compas or empathy.
Like, people go to school not knowing if they die. People go to church not knowing if they die. People go to sleep and get shot by police. Black people go to do shopping and get shot. People go to concerts and get shot. How can any country function like this?
Surely the US Empire must go down in history as one of the most insane ones
I have a few friends who are invested in crypto. While I don't want to get them financially wrecked, I'm enjoying every fucking second of this.
Is this the innovation people keep talking about
I'm going to vote the ever living fuck out of this country
The East India Company, one of the first major imperialist companies that went on to get military and governmental functions to loot the British colonies.
Together with the Dutch United East India Company, it is one of the most evil companies to ever exist for sure. They together looted, killed and destroyed Asia, Africa and South America and brought incredible wealth to Western Europe.
Edit: in The Netherlands we are actually thaught to be proud of this history, which is lacking any sort of commentary about how we completely fucked over entire countries.