You wanna fight for the country? Start/join a resistance cell.
joined 8 months ago
What floor were they on when he was pushed out?
"The Donald Trump Library" should just be comic books, porn magazines, and Nazi propaganda.
// comment out line 3
How do you "fake" an AI? The whole point is that it's fake to begin with.
It's like saying fake a disguise, or fake a fake ID.
Well, it's not like Zionists with dual allegiances have worked their way into most governments... Oh wait, they have? Well okay then.
...and their message is pretty uniform: Criticism of Zionism is Antisemitic, and they'll use their positions to prosecute that agenda.
It'll probably work out fine. Good diet is more important than exercise.
The Gods are simulated IRL too.
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Where can I buy? I want to get in on the ground floor with such a trusted name.