
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

You're, from what I've seen, at least trying to be neutral and fair, but consequently maybe also kind of undecided.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 2 months ago

Called @db0 a bastard on a power trip, constant behavior of insults and hostility.

That's bullshit and you know it. @[email protected] suggested me posting it on his community, called YePowerTrippinBastards, to which I responded that he is one of them. I find your interpretation incredibly rich after you insulted me, to my face, telling me my brain is broken. By your logic you'd have to go to db0's community and ban every single person who submits something there for insulting the abusive mods they call out - people like you.

Additionally, none of the two other comments were trolling. One calls out / questions the fact that Lemmy has millions of users, which is simply a true fact since it is just in the thousands. The other is calling out abusive users & mods, like you. So your removal & ban is quite literally just proving my point and further reinforcing my opinion. You're just as fragile as the mods & admins on Reddit who constantly ban you for complete bullshit or made up reasons while they let actual extremists & trolls unpunished. You're using your mod position to pile on me, just like db0 after I called him out.

Not all comments are ban-worthy when looked at individually but there is clearly a wider agenda at play. Just look at his bio:

Yeah, I wonder how I got to that point with the constant mod abuse, which you even half admits yourself, but not because you think you're wrong, but because you use it to save face. Get fucked man, I'm done with this deluded shit on here. You all just pile on me and make up bullshit with 0 accountability for your wrongdoings. Absolute trash behavior.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago (1 children)

It's not just that one unfortunately. It's likely at around 100.000 deserters now, and half of that were from 2024 alone.


[–] [email protected] -1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

You're not going to achieve that by throwing out the rules, quite the contrary. You're just giving those people a reason to lobby on harder crackdowns on people, making it even harder to achieve actual change. The problem is that people keep voting against their interests, and not just on a presidential level but even starting on a local level. Hell, if there's no one worth voting for then you should probably get active in politics yourself before you end up murdering people yourself. Either way, crying about murder and then becoming a murderer yourself is not the solution, but hypocrisy and will invite others doing the same for whoever they think deserve it.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I'm not questioning that, I just am very worried how this will continue - especially after the orange toddler gets into office.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

And don't you dare to reply with a fact checker proving them wrong!

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago (6 children)

Well, they also face quite some serious desertion issues at the moment too.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 2 months ago

I DM'd another mod there for clarification. None of the three comments were trolling or insults but simply facts, and kinda ironic after they insulted me.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 2 months ago (8 children)

And I told you a few times already that the mod & admin there is part of the problem.
Edit: And we can add [email protected] to the list as well. This is getting ridiculously dumb on here. Bans me from [email protected] because I called out his trolling here: https://fedia.io/m/[email protected]/t/1620874/Germany-hits-62-7-renewables-in-2024-energy-mix-with-solar/comment/8810407#entry-comment-8810407

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I find the combat & flight model the biggest weak point of it to be honest, and certainly light years away from that of Elite Dangerous.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago (16 children)

It's not like Lemmy mods are any better.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago

They always only care when affected themselves. In Europe we'll likely not even consider this specific case while pushing for an end to encryption and mass surveillance through backdoors.


I got it installed through the old installer, the new one refused to install Edge WebView and consequently crashed when I tried to ignore that part. However, the game itself, while starting, does not render correctly, as seen here.

Tried to run it through Wine-GE as well as Proton but both with the same result.


Back when the full invasion started and Russian soldiers began to officially occupy new Ukrainian territory, Svitlana was one of the civilians directly confronting & cursing the armed soldiers. She told them to put sunflower seeds into their pockets, so that their rotting corpses would act as fertilizer, and consequently became a symbol of Ukrainian resistance when the videos went viral.

Original video.


Almost a decade later and it still hurts. The first time I heard this song I was immediately captivated, eagerly awaiting more songs and the upcoming album release, just to hear and learn some years later that she passed away and would not even see the release of it.
Rest in peace, Aleah.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Edit: Update! See comment below!

So, this has been going on for a long while now but I hoped after a bit of a hiatus it would maybe fix itself when I come back. Basically, the game does not render any of the close up natural ground textures around a certain radius around me anymore.

It is basically like it stopped rendering the high quality textures for them, as it is literally using the chunk based rendering of the game where it caps out, being affected by zoom / fov levels too. So when I'm in the ship in third person cam and landed, it looks more like a triangle expanding from the cockpit to the back. With the scanner I can even see through the ground and highlight ores or chests beneath, which would normally be blocked, which would tell me that this is within the rendering pipeline of the game.

See album for screenshots & system specs: https://imgur.com/a/CzJTyeV

And no, it is not my GPU. This does not happen in other games, including Fallout NV, and I even switched out to my old RX 580, which showed the exact same problem. It's also not mods, since I tested it on a fresh installation & prefix, with various Proton versions. So at this point I can only assume it must be something with my OS / system config. But when the issue started, I also tried to revert back to an older kernel, which again, did nothing.

I'd really like to avoid trying a new installation of my OS as I'm really sick of going through the backup, restoration & setup process again.

Edit: One detail I forgot to mention. Some single squares do continue to render, even within the invisible radius. But when I go to them and look at the ground, my FPS and frame times start to tank heavily. Unsure if that's related at all though.


For a while now all video threads are basically just opening a screenshot of the video when you expand them instead of opening the video itself. I noticed this both for YouTube and Catbox hosted videos and you now have to first open the thread itself, and then click on the actual link of the title to open the actual page where it is hosted to play the video. Previously you could just watch them from within your feed without leaving it.

I think the only exception I've seen for this are redgifs that sometimes pop up from the few lemmynsfw places that do manage to federate with kbin / mbin, but those also have issues like rendering behind the posts below them.

I also noticed that video playback does continue when you close the embedded container, so you always have to pause them manually (which is ironically not supported by redgifs player).


I get the threads, but there's no votes, no replies. Nothing. None of my comments show up anywhere if I look at the original instances. Ever since the 26th of December it's been a complete shitshow.

Edit: Didn't get any reply notifications for this thread either...

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