Good to see they didn’t circumcise it.
Gotta be just as hard for an elephant, giraffe, hippo, etc today.
Who uses their phone to be just a phone these days?
I’d say the phone part is the least used of my phone.
Just don’t go with the mistake we have in Australia where your vote has to transfer.
At the end of the day we effectively have a two party system, because eventually any minor party will funnel their votes towards the two large and near identical NeoLib parties.
So all left votes go to Labor and all right votes go to Liberal, as such Labor don’t give a shit about leftist voters and instead try to poach right wing Lib voters because they know there’s zero chance the left will ever preference Lib so they can’t lose them.
Yeah, at least it’ll be the same as last election where the day afterwards people will go back to actually being critical of Biden again.
Can’t even hold him accountable during the primaries for these fanatics.
Right, so he won’t do anything to actually address the problem, only kick it down the road.
Glad you’re fine with not attempting to fix hunger.
Lack of getting customers to make our product good is our biggest regret says boss who refused to make his product good.
It’s boring, it’s basically C:S I with like 3 mod features built into the base game.
Maybe it was an act of resistance against dictators?
When the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then will we realise that one cannot eat money.
Im confused, why did you post a picture of nothing happening?
Kettle, teabag, milk.