
joined 2 years ago
[–] Dislodge3233@feddit.de 1 points 1 year ago

So look at the drug war, war on terrorism, money laundering sanctions, international tax evasion measures. The US and EU basically force the world to comply.

Imagine the EU and US are fully on board and say Australia decides no. What would happen to the Australian economy if they suddenly were barred from trading the dollar and euro. Australia is a big country and would be on the US/EU side. Imagine if Mexico or Croatia tried that. No chance.

Extreme? We did that to Russia during the Ukraine invasion.

This isn't difficult. They just don't care enough.

[–] Dislodge3233@feddit.de 7 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Fair point. I wonder if this is a conscious decision or if they are just weird. No judgement to larping. I'm weird too, just not violent.

[–] Dislodge3233@feddit.de 1 points 1 year ago

Demisexual would fit perfectly if "deep emotional connection" were replaced with "the right energy". I don't need a deep connection in the traditional sense, but I need a very particular energy which is rare.

The last person (woman) I had this with could barely understand me when I spoke (different English accents). We danced and I felt a strong connection. Ultimately it's emotions, but it was like we move and breathe the same. Like our bodies flow together and connect. We only danced and kissed, but I'd rather dance with her than fuck some beautiful person who I didn't have that with.

So maybe a deep emotional connection, so long as "emotional" includes a wide variety of emotions.

[–] Dislodge3233@feddit.de 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

So part of my issue is these norms. As a man I'm supposed to be out conquering, so many men I talk to dismiss my feelings completely. It annoys me, so I end up being friends with women more.

Plus I can easily get sex if I want. I can walk into a gay/kink/bisexual sex party and get fucked left and right. But the cost-benefit ratio is off. Even at sex clubs where I get some of my best sexual experiences, the amount of pleasure I get simply doesn't justify the effort. Sex in relationships has typically been worse than in parties/groups.

And yeah, I'm not distressed about my sexuality. I'm just annoyed with people (mostly men, but some women) who presume to know what I need to be happy (meaning sex).

[–] Dislodge3233@feddit.de 17 points 1 year ago

What a time to be alive. Nazis wearing chainmail and bringing children to protest drag events. If I didn't follow the news, I'm not sure I would be able to tell this wasn't a LARP event.

[–] Dislodge3233@feddit.de 17 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Dear god. To be fair, at least these kinds of fascists make me laugh.

[–] Dislodge3233@feddit.de 21 points 1 year ago (5 children)

I shouldn't laugh, but wtf. This is ridiculous.

[–] Dislodge3233@feddit.de 3 points 1 year ago

I have a really long password on Bitwarden like 30+. I use OnlyKey to store this password on a hardware device.

You mentioned phones. My problem with using another 2FA app is that it's still on my phone.

[–] Dislodge3233@feddit.de 22 points 1 year ago (12 children)

Are there any neutral sources? Or at least more complete accountings? I only find Leif's account and some transphobic accounts.

The only "facts" I could find are that Leif had an AR-15 and maced 2-4 people (depending on the account). The transphobic one says children were maced.

I'm just legitimately interested in what happened.

[–] Dislodge3233@feddit.de 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I tried last night to do toes to bar like you mention. I'm weak on the last 60 deg of the pike movement. I can cheat by using my shoulders to lean back (front lever type movement), but this puts a lot of strain on my upper back (not injury type strain, just in weak).

Straddle V-hang pullups are also a bit weak. Can't do close leg V-hang pullups yet.

Basically just need to get my pike/toes to bar stronger and work on front lever I guess.


[–] Dislodge3233@feddit.de 3 points 1 year ago

Yeah it seems to be a series of fallacies like,

Conservatives hate gays, so conservatives are bad. Conservatives love capitalism, so capitalism is bad. The west is mostly capitalistic, so I hate the west. The west sanction Iran and Russia, so they must be good.

I think it's better to draw the line at hating controlling abusive people, rather than geopolitical boundaries.

[–] Dislodge3233@feddit.de 16 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (3 children)

There's also the bizarre phenomena of "leftist" people who support Russia, Iran, etc.

I was on a date once (gay) and he would shit-talk the US, Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, etc. for being capitalistic. Then in the same breath, talk about how he wanted to go to Iran and Russia.

I honestly didn't know what to say.


I read things like "70% of emissions are by large energy companies". It often seems to be followed by claims that individual action is insignificant.

The logic seems off because if everyone stopped buying from those companies, then the emissions would be gone. Or in effect, buying from those companies buys you a share of the emissions.

Is there a good breakdown of the emissions? What percent is attributable to the consumer? Am I missing something?


I'm not on a program per say, but in aerials, when I start training new movements, my tendons (eg. elbows) get really sore.

I normally just lay off them until they recover. Are there any ways to make the recovery faster?


What are your ways of finding the poly people in your local area? Do you have a community and meetups?


I'm trying to run my work profile over VPN. The best thing I've found so far is external GL.iNet router and put my phone on airplane mode.

Are there any better solutions?


How/where can I buy groceries without plastic? Everything at local stores (like Albert Heijn) is wrapped in plastic.


I currently find my parties on Fetlife, but it's mostly just bi women and straight guys. Maybe like 10% of men are bi/gay. The parties are great, but leave some holes in my life unfilled ...

Any other platforms like Fetlife for finding good parties, but with more men?


Suddenly I'm Christian again


I've had to get PrEP in several countries, so here is a cheatsheet. It's not so easy in every country, especially for immigrants.

What is PrEP?!?

United States

  1. Free under the Affordable Care Act (see page 3 under "Coverage of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis")
  2. Any family doctor can prescribe it.
  3. Get it at a pharmacy



At the GGD,

  1. Long waiting lines
  2. Call your local GGD for appointment https://www.ggd.nl/
  3. They will ask you questions like top/bottom, condom use, group sex, etc. Answer honestly, but be as risky as possible. Mentioning things like fear of being stealthed can help.
  4. Insurance might not cover PrEP. No legal mandate AFAIK.

Alternatives are at a family doctor and https://prep-direct.nl/.


  1. Get a referral for an "Infectologist" (infektologs) from your GP ("ģimenes ārsts")
  2. Find an infektologist on https://eveselibaspunkts.lv/en. You can also check https://vc4.lv/pakalpojumi/arstnieciba/infektologija/
  3. Ask the infektologist for PrEP to be compensated. According to the law https://likumi.lv/doc.php?id=147522, HIV infection risk (Z20.6 "Iespēja inficēties un kontakts ar humānā imūndeficīta vīrusu") should be 100% compensated. See also drug code J05AR03 in the "A saraksts" https://www.vmnvd.gov.lv/lv/kompensejamo-zalu-saraksti.
  4. After the infektologist prescribes it, your GP can renew the prescription.


Currently figuring this out, so below might be wrong

  1. Get an appointment with an infektologist

Other countries?

Add comments below :)


Can we donate to feddit.de? Is it a registered charity?

I don't have German bank accounts. This is just the closest instance to my country.

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