Where having 3 jobs doesn't even give a proper living wage... Where a health crisis will bankrupt you... Where the common people pay the taxes for the richest. Where vacation days are tightly controlled and preferrably denied. Already the doctrine is: "You Live To Work".
And this is before Trump started slashing all government aid and will give even more money to the rich, thinking the populace will make up the difference on the countries income....
Now he just about personally has total control of the government payment system, down to the social serurity number of each individual. A good weapon to have.
(Had a long rant here about the US' bleak future, but it's not befitting the discussion at this moment)
My point being, things are only a very small drop to where it's too late and the shackles are clamped on.
The ones sworn in to uphold the law and constitution are the ones who need to step in now, but are too afraid or corrupted to risk standing up.
King Trump already is above regular checks and balances.
Somehow I think he didn't resign because of the remarks specifically but because he was named and shamed in the spotlight.