It's a Fortune 500 article. They aren't very good on things like this. They mean the blue blood from horseshoe crabs.
Also, it looks more like climate change is what's fucking over the spawning of horseshoe crabs. Not blood harvesting. Eggs need a specific temperature to survive.
Wikipedia has a complete page on Manosphere, but it's people on social media promoting toxic masculinity, like Andrew Tate or Steven Chowder. Roited out fuckheads giving young boys wrong, but easy answers about why it's not their fault they can't get a date.
I never said anything about purity. That's an obsession of the simple minded.
That being said, you can never fault someone for defending their home and their community when an armed threat literally come knocking.
I felt sorry for the French girls who had their hair shaved off for dating Nazi officers. We really don't know why they did it and I doubt it helped the occupiers very much.
Pretty indifferent to this.
Yes those dirty Ukrainian forces... checks notes defending their homes and neighbors.
You can reform crimes of necessity, like stealing to buy food. This person might have a brain defect. Either something genetic or even a brain tumor. It might be fixable with treatments. It might not be.
Vehicle Combat games might be getting a comeback with the WH40k game and the Twisted Metal movie coming out.
Tempus Rising might kick off a C&C style RTS revivial.
Are you saying that teenage boys are actually being targeted by "other" groups? Is this happening outside social media? Is this actually happening at all or is it just rhetoric the manosphere is spewing?
While I was in high school in the US, I wanted to pursue stem for humanitarian purposes and thought I needed more advance classes for that. That was not an idea that supported by the administration or guidance department. The admin was filled with authoritarians and guidance filled with "Cs get degrees" types. Teachers could be supportive, but they're ability to help was limited.
The athletes? Yeah, the got all the support they wanted.
Adding to this, consider a second opinion on any dental work. One quoted me for a big job, but because of circumstances, I ended up going to a different dentist and they didn't see anything wrong with my mouth. Been a number of years since and there's been no problems without any work being done.