Multi Level Marketing. Another therm for Pyramid Scheme.
I hate Tiktok because it's spyware. Show me the source code to prove me wrong.
I hate Epic because they abandoned the Unreal and Unreal Tournament series, delisted from any store(including single player games) and turned off the Master Server preventing official multiplayer.
I hate AAA game developers because of what the MBAs did to milk every cent of out of their customers.
Steam: Here's a discount.
Epic: You're not allowed to buy or play any Unreal Tournament games anymore.
Because Ari Behn was just a clout chaser looking for a quick buck.
Three people died after his “Kill Them With Kindness” youtube video.
Yes. All after that weird "Kill Them With Kindness" youtube christmas video.
An anonymous massage therapist.
Ari Behn, a Norwegian author and television host.
And now, many of the remaining accusers seem to be reluctant to push forward. Almost like the christmas was a coded message to people he has dirt on, but Hollywood's never associated with people with delusions of spy novels. Clearly all those people were clout chasers.
Before he was forced to buy Twitter, he was making money off pump and dump schemes. Look at his history with crypto. This time, he bit off more then he could and was forced to follow through with his threat to buy twitter.
You could exploit other billionaires, but that seems like the one thing you can go to jail for.
Which means you're born into a weird sociopathic upbringing. Very fee born into wealth see any issues with it and even then, it tends to be short lived. One of the Johnson and Johnson heirs put out a documentary, but not much after that.
meh. I'm not interested in participating, but for a short uptick in user activity, a bunch of tech journals will be writing about this and they'll come up is searches about /r/place for years to come. It will be a net lose for spez.
Clone Wars(2003)