A BB under the valve stem cap will deflate the tire without causing real damage.
Ok, but can we prove he has a shit personality? Besides, wouldn't you be cross if you've seen the world continuously make the wrong decisions.
All the short term executives don't care about the long term survivability of the company.
Meh. He's a creative type with a high work standard. He's also pro socialism and sympathetic to workers.
Edit: citation https://walessince1945.wordpress.com/2020/11/11/hayao-miyazaki-the-miners-strike-and-wales/
If the fediverse has to join with Zuck to live, it's better off dead.
Yes. The fact that an emoji was ever an acceptable acknowledgement bothers me.
I use Proton Mail because Google's autocomplete sentence feature creeped me out. Apparently Proton Mail isn't good enough for VRChat. Boggled my mind.
Like you said, written contracts lack vagueness. The interaction leading to the Thumbs Up was pretty damn vague. Validates my refusal to ever use emojis.
I've done that first one. Somehow started the setup process in Japanese.
Honestly, I'm at the point now that I believe that if you follow the money and memes, you'll find the oil industry pushing the anti nuclear ideas. The anti nuclear environmentalists being useful idiots to them.
That being said, even if you can't use green energy everywhere isn't an excuse to use it everywhere it could be used. At the very least, it would buy use more time to figure out more solutions. The people who are saying that EVs don't help because our electricity is primarily from gas and coal are deliberately leaving out the fact that the demand and infrastructure of solar and wind are also rising. Not having EVs would only lessen the demand and makes me suspicious about the origin of that meme as well.
Any with the cash to pay M$.