Doesn't mean they're good movies. You could still out an honest effort into the movies even if they're a ploy to help your friends. At least lay off the racist humor. His entire Native American cast walked off set of his western over the jokes in it.
It was probably nabbed from some other site. We don't have to worry about pissing of marketeers.
Twitter brain rot is a problem that effects all ages, but then you grow up with it, it's worst.
Tech support calls that amount to wiping someone's ass for them. I was helping someone setup their new computer and they managed to install spyware while I was using the restroom. Another time, ransomware got onto to someone's computer and I instructed them to unplug the computer while I made my way over. They plugged in their only backup of office files into the infected computer and all that data also got encrypted.
The people who are them problem aren't the intended audience. The intended audience are people who are in positions to direct youth education programs.
Learn to weld and start looking at the welds on those things. You wont be riding them for long.
That's cause those are the instances that the media decided to put on blast. They were also dumping paint on CEO's cars and in corporate lobbies.
Facebook tier
I left because the culture, trolling, and astroturfing got to be too much and the exodus meant Lemmy would have enough userbase to fit my usecase.
Seti@home, but if I did it today, it'd be folding@home. Also would boot to a linux live CD and play the one or two games that were on there. Apparently booting a live CD broke the "you cant install any software" rule the school had, so I had to stop.