Billionaires are more then different enough to simplify classify them as an ethnicity of their own, but that would only validate their persecution complex.
Mobile in general. At one point, I tried setting up Syncthing to be able to manage files remotely for vlc, but android wouldn't let the two programs access the same space with read/write permissions.
Last week, I was trying to convert a video and the program(FFShare) wouldn't tell me where it was even saving the file to.
While we can entertain the idea that some people shouldn't breed(genetic defects that lower the quality of life for the individual or society) or shouldn't raise children(stupid raises stupid), there's no neutral authority that can make and enforce judgments. Even if we make an AI to do it, it would just reflect the view points of the people who made the AI or the sample set that was fed to the AI.
The best we can do is make a society strong enough to cope with these issues, either new and better genetic treatments or more robust public schools systems.
There's plenty of examples across different societies in the 20th century alone that practiced one form of eugenics or another that we now find appalling. Here's an article describing some from the late 20th century US.
Long distance vacations are irresponsible and selfish. We don't have the resources left to be wasting it on frivolous activities.
True. Success in Hollywood requires a certain personality type that heavily favors liberalism. The rags to riches ones suddenly believe that all it takes is talent and can't cope with the reality that luck was a major factor in their success and that they could never be in the gutter again.
If we're bringing up literature though, the first Harry Potter book was ok, but certain personality traits of the author started getting amplified with her Rock Star like success. Harry was much more charitable in the first book compared later ones.
But season after season of 13 Reasons Why, which was responsible of an uptick in teen suicides.
It's not really pedantic. If the air force is using the term "UFO", they're referring to the technical definition. Means, flying things without known radar or visual references. The problem is when mass media relays the message, they deliberately muddle the definition because it's good for ratings.
I don't think there's an actual government conspiracy regarding the ufo hearings, but a simple media conspiracy for ratings. I might be wrong, but that's the simplest explanation for what's going on at the moment.
Drug dealers also like getting paid in crypto, but they never hold on to it. The few that use it like a currency are ok, but the vast majority use it like a commodity.
That's just simple streaching of the muscles. Chiropractic treatments put pressure on the spine to change the alignment of it.
He was an economics teacher at a private college. He's entirely on brand for that school.
India is pretty diverse. Those skin tones aren't unusual.