I have very strong, mixed feelings about your post.
Well done mother fucker!
"Why does one of the parties fight against people voting?"
In general, high voter turn out leans left.
And each state determines the rules for voting. I'm in Illinois, so when I register I'm assigned a polling place. When I go there to vote, I give them my name (no need for ID) they find it in a book, I sign a thing and they give me a ballot and tear off a receipt that I keep. I'm in a traditionally Democratic/blue State.
Republican/Red states tend to do what they can to make voting harder, like frequent purging of voter registration (and not notifying people that they're not registered anymore) or making it nearly impossible to vote by mail, then require voting in person and limiting the number of places you can vote to the point people stand in line for hours. Oh yeah, then make it illegal to offer people waiting in line a bottle of water.
I've worn contacts for almost 40 years, but got tired of using readers these last several years to be able to, you know, read. After unsuccessfully trying multivocal contacts, I got progressive glasses. My vision? GREAT? The 3 weeks it took to get my brain used to moving my head more and my eyes just right (especially while driving) so that seeing the right part of my prescription wasn't swinging all over the place and making me nauseous? Fucking hell. That was absolute torture. It's worth it on the other side at least.
I do kinda miss contacts. I may get a second opinion for my prescription and try again.
Therein lies part of the problem. A large number of those places that disguise themselves as legitimate clinics are actually covers for human trafficking.
Depending on where you are, becoming a massage therapist can take a couple years and cost thousands of dollars, require exams, and licensing. Legitimate massage therapists aren't going to risk throwing everything away for a couple extra bucks for a handy. If sex work was legal, people wouldn't have to masquerade as much behind legitimate business.
As for massage being snake oil, I guess it depends on what the person is claiming it's going to do. Like I said, I've been doing this almost 20 years now, and have worked in health clubs (mostly doing sports/injury recovery/rehab stuff), education (teaching massage, anatomy, physiology, pathology), and now working hospice the last several years. Massage can be great for pain relief, relaxation, and general comfort. For some people with circulatory issues like lymphedema, massage can help reduce the fluid settling in their extremities. Unfortunately historically there's a lot of questionable and downright bullshit practices that have been attached to massage, but massage on it's own? If you like to be touched, it can be a good thing.
For the love of God can't we just make sex work legal, take the shame out of it, and STOP associating it with massage? PLEASE?!?
I've been a massage therapist for almost 20 years now and have got the point where the sex jokes hit with about the same impact as asking the cashier if something is free if the item doesn't scan at the register. I work in hospice, and not 3 weeks ago I had a patient's brother in law giggle and ask me if I gave his sister in law a happy ending. My inside voice said "no, sorry, she's still breathing so she has to keep dealing with you" while my outside voice pretended not to hear the comment.
It depends. Might be against hospital policy, but it also depends on the circumstances and staff that catch you.
Get caught vaping nicotine after surgery while on oxygen and an RN catches you? Problem.
Get caught vaping THC, not on oxygen on oncology/hospice? Depends on the staff whether they'll notice it or not.
Plenty have been fighting for it, but there's an uphill battle against "but that's socialism and socialism is evil!" and those that personally benefit financially who stand in the way.