They removed "Don't be evil" as their big motto. So indeed fuck them. And yes I know it is still somewhere in their code of conduct or something, but holy cow why would they ever feel the need to move that in the back? Was that after employees did not want to work for military stuff?
Except that GPT4 in Bing seems to suck every time I try it.
So it is like browsers out of the USA then with their secret (company is not allowed to tell anyone about it) data draining laws?
What do you mean with hardened? Why beta for financial stuff?
Since when is that option a thing? Always thought I need an extension for that.
Hahaha, gottcha :D
But I actually do "reciprocate" in 3 ways:
- I passively provide good training data on the Internet, mostly about engineering/science.
- I correct lots of wrong output.
- I pay for GPT4, since it is somewhat more powerful than 3.5.
Naaaaaaaah. What? Never heard of that.
Sounds like an abusive relationship. Constantly demanding things is a huge red flag. She even still you from doing basic things like dishes for her own needs, super red flag. Maybe talk to her about it, if she does not reconsider her behavior you should leave here while your can. The abusive behavior will only get worse. One day you will wake up and she will be right in your face.
Not a RUST or Java user here, only C++ for micro controllers and Python, but always nice to hear such stories. Gives some insight what others did/do, thought and now think etc.
(not too afraid to ask) What is the context? Don't know Grindr.
The many different distros are also bad thing for the same reason. The same way 100 different types of flour in the shelve would be overwhelming.