I tried an image search but none of the places this clip was posted had any other info. Could be just amateur stuff without other content
It's riley reid-- last time I saw her I looked it up and I think it's more along the lines of the old "when life gives you lemons make lemonade"
Is #2 morgpie?
Is it AI? The writing looks odd and her left pinky ends one knuckle early
Got a name?
What does the sky luggage look like?
Any source on this?
Grammar nerds unite!
Clitics are words that show meaning, but are attached to other words. In English this usually manifests as forms of words contracted by an apostrophe. These words carry functional meaning, but they typically can't be stressed in a sentence-- for example the be-verb "is" in "it's" can be used to indicate the progressive tense in "it's raining", but can't be the answer to the question "Is it here?" "Yes, it's" (native speakers would say "Yes, it is").
Just in case anyone else got curious about the grammar of the title here.
OP I like the bling and the view 👍
Anyone got a name?
Any idea who she is?
I think it's trying to say when life gives you lemons make lemonade, or perhaps a slightly more positive version: life brings you lemons when making lemonade. I think there's a 生 under her hair and the bottom stroke on the left 日 is missing from 時
Did you murder her?