Who would be the right one to sue? Reddit is hosting it, but they are using admins to keep discussion civil and legal; the admins of PCM are most likely not employed by Reddit, but are they responsible for users egging each other on? At what point is a mod responsible for users using "free speech" to instigate a crime? They should have picked a few posts and users and held them accountable instead of going for the platform. People will keep radicalizing themselves in social media bubbles, in particular when those bubbles are not visible to the public. Muting discussion on a platform will just make them go elsewhere or create their own. The better approach would be to expose them to different views and critique of what they are saying.
That would be a diameter of about 800 km. Don't they have multiple centers that could be called towns? With churches, administration and schools? They just can't be bothered to split it up.
Wait, you're saying that the Aztec empire was just 64 years old when Columbus discovered America and ships with conquistadors followed to butcher and enslave everyone?
Those are nice covers. But the countless times i've seen a Neal Adams cover sell some mediocre story inside, made me detest this kind of bait and switch. With variant covers i like to make a point of buying the interior artist's cover if possible. And in this case they really hurt themselves by having variant covers for issue one, when customers don't know yet what to expect.
Yeah, the art reminds me of several books i didn't like - but that was due to the type of story that came along (the kind where the characters have an existential crisis over just about everything). I like art that follows an inner ruleset and Meredith McLaren's art has a lot of expression and moves from reduced lines to detailed surroundings and water colour backgrounds, but always stays in the boundaries of the style. It's not "bad" as you put it, it's different and it enhances the story. I somewhat expected to not like it, but i wouldn't want it any other way.
I appreciate that you provide more info on what caused the death, but that's not really what this post is about. If the officer did his job correctly, there's no reason to crowdfund for him or his family. He did his job and he gets paid for it. If he used excessive force and goes to jail - why hand his family more money? As a reward for playing US sheriff? That crowfund seems just cynical, putting more hurt on the family of the deceased.
I just bought a bunch of german editions of Lewis Trondheim books (Donjon, Lapinot) and i'm nearing the end of the 50 volumes of the Donald Duck part of the Carl Barks collection. But that's probably all foreign to you.
One of the last Image books i read was Black Cloak by Kelly Thompson and Meredith McLaren and i love it. It is an odd mix of a crime thriller with a bit of fairy magic and cyberpunk, drawn in a reduced "american manga" style. And it just works. The characters are interesting, the lore is deep and the plot is taking some turns.
I know i'm really late to the party, but this video gave me an idea how blockchains could actually be useful for art. Not to sign a digital image to your name, that's bullshit. But to link an actual piece of art to you as a certificate of ownership. So in case it gets stolen, you can prove you're the real owner. This requires first time entries to be verified by certified experts, but after that you're good to go. You would need to solve a bunch of problems, like what happens when someone dies and the objects are inherited, or what if you buy it, but the owner doesn't update the chain or makes a mistake, etc. You would probably need a group of mods/experts who can amend the entries. But then you could more easily contact the owner, manage reproduction rights and in general make art theft less attractive, because all art dealers can easily check the current state.