Damn that sucks
Damn that's something. I never even got to that point with my corn. Something would chew the stalks and topple them all and not even eat the damn thing and just leave the fallen plants there.
I have my same finger scanned in 3 times dry and 5 times in varying degrees of wetness. Also two in pruny state. It mostly works. It's a pixel 7a which has a shit finger reader so you may be able to get away with one of each.
Edit. Just in case I'll clarify that the system thinks I registered 10 fingerprints but it's all my thumb.
I use it on my steam deck microsd to cram more shit in via compression. Main drive is left as ext4 though so case folding can be used for particularly janky windows games or mods.
A used ranger accommodated all of my hauling needs with room to spare when I needed it for work. I drove the company pickup which had the double rear tires once and it was awful and I couldn't recommend it even just for doing pickup truck things.
I find as cars get either bigger or more expensive or both, the driver's get proportionally more reckless, ignorant, and entitled. It's always the big trucks, bmw's, and teslas that seem intent on running me off the road or flat when I'm biking to work. I don't know about the more recent ones but the early Prius I rented on a vacation before had shit visibility so I wouldn't give that one a free pass at least. All this shit seems so futile though. I just want the jumbo sidewalks with a bike lane to be everywhere.
Do you mean the cat is your mom, or you are the cats mom?
We live in a time where you can have several properties rented out for only marginally kinder prices than other properties in the area, and still be struggling financially. Selling several turned out to be a bad call.
I did fallout 4 and it worked. Skyrim should be mostly the same and most Bethesda games have packs that claim better looks and performance. I used steam tinker launch to install mod organizer 2 to the prefix. You could do vortex the same way. I also toggled case sensitivity for the prefix folder in case of weird mod behavior, probably not necessary but it can only be toggled on empty folders, so before install or delete and reinstall, and if you haven't used the btrfs mod.
I got a brother MFC 7460dn years ago and 12 unbranded toner cartridges and converting my whole family to opensuse later it's still running with zero problems. I also have a colour laser from brother that I use to make bootleg cards for playing card games I don't want to invest in with friends but it is still on the second cartridge.
I'd like Russia to not go anywhere near there. I have family out there and everyone is having a pretty shit time as it is.
I'd get one if it was like $300 less