Looks like you saw right through the marketing. Seems like that product failed to materialize. It fairs to reason those claims were intangible.
Depends on your tastes. I personally really liked it because it represented philosophical absurdism and various existential concepts in an interesting/comedic way. I laughed really hard at things like the "everything" donut and Michelle Yeoh's big fight scene where she used "compassion" to solve all the henchpeople's life problems and "defeat" them.
Despite it's fun/weird/comedic exterior it was very clearly written with these philosophical concepts in mind. If you like thinky/philosophical stuff you probably like this movie too, that said if you don't like that kind of vibe you probably just viewed the randomness/oddness of some of the scenes as strange.
The collective has decided not to assimilate you on account of perceived "bad smell" which is perhaps too distinct to add to our own and "weird-voyager-salamander-cringe-energy ".
This drone did not "downvote" you. Another of the collective did so. Through readings from its ocular implant this drone was able to determine this area of Lemmy space is non-serious. Recommended adaptations are to "lighten up" and "enjoy the jokes".
Riker, his face bearded.
I am loquatious of borg, your pendantry will be assimilated to service my own, your "umm ackshullys" are futile.
I mean, they have a transporter right? Couldn't they just beam waste into a holding container or out into space? In discovery they say they recycle everything so maybe it just gets beamed to Kieko's Arboretum lol.
You have no xmas warrior spirit Alexander. You're on my naughty list you little P'takh, dishonor on your w-HOHOHO-le family.
You and your partner are clearly goat farmers producing high quality, organic, cruelty-free, goat cheese that has made you millions.
Posting the shit you are, the rule of poo you follow.
Whose relatives are we talking about and what positions are they in?
I bet he regrets that umlaut.