I can't stand Rossman's videos; but I respect the hell out of his ideas, principles, and efforts to better the slices of technological life that he cares about.
While technically correct, with $700k, I would argue that, "almost a million dollar" would give me a better picture of the scale of the problem than just "thousands".
Hello from across the fedi-pond. Good job and wishing you all the best.
~~Apes~~ Fediverse together strong!
I am intrigued by the lore. Do you have a tome I could peruse?
I don't even have to open the image to know it's FCKGW!
Me in the late 90s: CSS is not a language!
Today: Holy crap, it's now Turing-complete.
"It's a deck of playing cards. How much more fun can it be, compared to the 50+ other solitaire games? And why would I want to play poker by myself?"
So I got a bit of money leftover after bills, and decided to get it anyway cause I haven't played anything fun this year. Went in blind without reading or watching any reviews.
Turns out it's NOT just your standard deck of playing cards. You can do all sorts of crazy things to your deck. Like playing illegal hands such as five-of-a-kind, or a flush house. It's a lot of fun.
Oh boy. I'll never forget the amount of fun I had copying them by hand as a 12 year old.
There was one with coordinates to a wireframe of a sports car and drawing it on screen. What blew my mind was the next section where we perform trigonometry magic to rotate the whole thing in 3D space with arrow keys.
Obligatory link to the Rustonomicon.
Should you wish a long and happy career of writing Rust programs, you should turn back now and forget you ever saw this book.
FYI, in Australia they scrapped the rule a couple years ago and you would've been able to donate now (at least blood, not sure about organs).
Wherever you are, maybe check again if they've relaxed the rule.