China Moves Toward Ban on Japanese-Style ‘Maid Cafés’
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That's dramatic... aren't they just giving women servers rights to not be humiliated as much there... (don't scream SeeSeePee control all over again)
China Moves Toward Ban on Japanese-Style ‘Maid Cafés’
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That's dramatic... aren't they just giving women servers rights to not be humiliated as much there... (don't scream SeeSeePee control all over again)
Did they negotiate directly with the Palestinians in 1948 and arrive on the agreement to share the land according to the borders that existed before 1967? [ Does solving the issue by war count?
1st, I don't think it takes a person to know that what Israel's mitliary is doing in Gaza that the U.S supports, quacks like a humanitarian crisis akin to genocide, regardless of whether you agree or not. The article indicates that
It doesn't take facts to know that these are bad optics, mon liberal ami...
2nd, lemme tell you this... if the Saudis dealt with Yemenis and couldn't bomb them out of existence and cause famine, why do you think an overstretched U.S army can deal with them?
Can't they finish their Ukraines and Israels before Yemen?
Tbf, western tourists kinda be like that tho...
meat crayons
Now, that's a colorful right there
Mental hospital : Napoleon factory (credit to Robert Heinlein)
Why wouldn't we want more Napoleons tho?
Catholics are Christians, but Christians are not necessarily Catholic. For example, Orthodox Christians are not Catholic. Being Catholic requires, at the bare minimum, agreement with the Holy See and implicitly the dogma he endorses. Even this “minor” difference can be used to find non-Catholic Christians.
I know that, but if you ask me, it's like saying Sunni and Muslim, one kinda emphasizes, if not "otherizes" (orientalize or occidentalize) the other... usually in a not good way...
So I'm Aries, that's not good.... ooooof
Egh, a drinking fountain still sucks... better be a water faucet with control if I'm bein' honest
Then, I can fill up my water.
In what part of being not Isis anyway?
Then why are you here then? Go complain to @[email protected] directly...
I thought this political activity was another purpose of, besides FOSS?
Aye, go vote for your life, my bon sir....
Tell me, where is this global language where it has 3.5 billion speakers, if not half? You've indicated it's not the case...?
Do you think I ask in bad faith, or do you ask in bad faith?