I have said no to job offers at Google and Meta in the past as well as any startup that wants to "disrupt" any industry with a tech solution.
joined 2 years ago
As a tech worker, I can say that techbros are literally a cancer in society trying to push their quick cash scheme onto society
Pretty sure that boomer doesn't even see you though 🤣🤣🤣
Honestly, 90% of the time I go slower than the speed limit is because someone else is slow in front of me, but people still tailgate me
I put an NRA sticker on mine, not because I support them or own a gun, but because this helps me get rid of tailgating cars behind me
What do you mean?
What are good sites for this great erm... streaming service
Bring back netscape navigator
Yeah, I'll admit, I deleted my LinkedIn years ago. Got tired of head hunters constantly messaging me regardless of what I did to try and stop it.
Almost looks like a pokemon suppository.
"Anal Diglet! I choose you!"
*Slides suppository in