[meme] Oh no! Anyway... [/meme]
Mandrake > Debian > Ubuntu > Mint & Arco Linux & MX Linux.
These three distros are the chosen ones in my case. I've been using them in my main computers for a couple of years now. It's the right mixture.
Ozone Tactical. Cheap, 65% size, wireless & cable, red switches, programmable rgb... Really happy with it!
Good for my PC but not for my crappy (but loved) netbook. Too CPU demanding.
Oh, I didn't know that and I've been using that command for ages.
Keepassxc is cross-platform, free and open-source. It has also options for iOS and Android.
Both yt-dlp & ffmpeg installed. Then:
yt-dlp --add-metadata -x -f bestaudio/best youtube-url
If you're not afraid of the terminal, the combination of newsboat and w3m is the quickest option.
You know those situations where you look for something at home, you can't find it and then your mother finds it right where you did before? Well, that's what happened now.
Thanks, Ada.
I follow Lemmy's updates via newsboat (a rss terminal client), I don't need a specific CLI client. Besides, I use newsboat (together with Freshrss) to follow blogs and youtube channels updates. The latter, together with mpv, allows me to watch videos without visiting that data-stealing swamp, all without leaving the terminal.