In other news, the US House of Representatives has voted to censure Belgium.
In other news, the US House of Representatives has voted to censure Belgium.
It means letting your dreams die a miserable death in service to whatever the fuck it is that this society values. Wage-slavery and and celebrity worship, I suppose.
1% of the United States owns 40% of the economy. 10% owns 70% of the economy. 25% of families have less than $10,000 in wealth.
Millennials weren't the first to get screwed, but they were screwed from birth.
People really underestimate how much the sunk cost fallacy can derail your life. Don't waste time. A year becomes 10 very fast.
Nobody likes Joe. He's not going to get the votes he got last time. A lot more people are pissed, stressed, depressed, and apathetic. There's also a segment of "watch it burn" voters who agree with Clinton and will choose to vote with MAGA.
If you don't feel the same "compassion" for every applicant, it's nepotism. On another note, nobody can abuse you like your family.
Only 9800 years until the Butlerian Jihad frees humankind.
Methinks the corporation doth protest too much.
More of you will just stay home in protest.